Letter, Writtings and Statements of Shaheed Bhagat Singh and his Copatriots
Letter to Shaheed Sukhdev 5th April, 1929-Click here for complete text
- The leaflet thrown in the Central Assembly, New Delhi-8th April, 1929-Click here for complete text
- Statement in the Session Court during Assembly Bomb case-6th June, 1929-Click here for complete text
Letter to the Editor Modern Review on the slogan of 'Long Live Revolution'-24th Dec, 1929-Click here for complete text
- The Punjab Hindi Sahitya Sammelan had organised an essay competition on the above subject in 1923. It was for that competition that Bhagat Singh wrote this article. The General Secretary of Sahitya Sammelan, Shri Bhim Sen Vidyalankar (now expired) liked the article much and preserved it. Bhagat Singh got a prize of Rs. 50 for this article. -Click here for complete text
- In 1925-26 Bhagat Singh was at Kanpur, working under Ganesh Shankar Vidharthi in the Hindi weekly Partap. While at Kanpur he wrote this article, signing it Ek Punjabi Yuvak (a Punjabi youth), about the martyrs of Banbbar Akali movement. It was published in Pratap on March 15, 1926:-Click here for complete text
- A handwritten leaflet explaining the reasons for Saunders' murder, written on December 18, 1928 on Mozang House den and pasted at several placs on the walls of Lahore in the night between the 18th and 19th. A copy in Bhagat Singh's handwriting was produced as an exhibit in the Lahore Conspiracy Case;-Click here for complete text
Letter to I.G. (Prisons), Punjab (Prelude to a prolonged struggle in jail on the demand of a better treatment.):-Click here for complete text
Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt were sentenced to transportation for life in the Delhi Assembly Bomb Case. After conviction they were transferred to Mianwali and Lahore jails respectively. They started hunger strike for better treatment to political prisoners in jails.Click here for complete text
The Second Punjab Students' Conference was held at Lahore on October 19, 1929, under the persidentship of Subhash Chandra Bose. Bhagat Singh grabbed the opportunity and sent this message asking the students to plunge who'e-heartedly into the comming movement of 1930-31 and carry the message of revolution to the remotest corners of the country Click here for complete text
Shri Ramanand Chatterji, the editor of Modern Review. Ridiculed the slogan of Long Live Revolution through an editorial note and gave an entirely wrong interpretation to the slogan. Bhagat Singh wrote a reply to the note and handed it over to the trying magistrate to be sent to Modern Review. The reply was subsequently published in the Tribune of December 24, 1929.:-C
Editorial note by Sh Ramanand Chatterji on the slogan of 'Long Live Revolution'*:-Click here for complete text
Telegram on Lenin's Death Anniversary:-Click here for complete text
- The Lahore Conspiracy Case (LCC) prisoners had suspended their hunger strike on the assurance that the Government of India was considering the Jail Committee Report and that the jail reforms would be punished for participating in the hunger strike. After the hunger strike was suspended, the GOI, however, resorted to delaying tactics. Disciplinary acting was also taken against hunger strikers in U.P. and Punjab jails:-Click here for complete text
The second hunger strike of the LCC accused was also suspended after twenty-one days on the assurance given by the government. But there were so many minor issues and complaints which the magistrate was not prepared to listen to. The accused thereupon refused to attend the court. The Civil and Military Gazette (an Anglo-Indian daily from Lahore) commented that the accused had boycotted the British court. This was wrong. Bhagat Singh contradicted it and explained the reasons for refusing to attend the court.:- Click here for complete text
Through this brilliant statement Bhagat Singh demolished the basis of the Sessions Court judgement and emphasised the importance of motive. The motive of action, he argued, should be the main consideration while judging the offence of an accused.:- Click here for complete text
The strategy of the LCC accused was to prolong the case and use the court as a platform for propagating the aims and objects of the revolutionary party. The government saw the game, and to expedite the proceedings, withdrew the case from the lower court, and promulgated an ordinance known as the LCC Ordinance No. 3 of 1930. Equipped with the Ordinance, it appointed a Special Tribunal of three High Court judges, handed over the case to it, empowered it to dispense with the witnesses and proceed with the case even in the absence of the accused. The Governor-Genera, while justifying the step, said that the accused were resorting to hunger strikes again and again and were making it impossible for the court to proceed. It was in this context that Bhagat Singh wrote this letter to the Governor - General to demolish his argument.:- Click here for complete text
For propaganda purpose the LCC accused had divided themselves into three groups. The first group consisted of comrades who were represented through a lowyer. This was a small group of comrades against whom there was not much evidence and who had chances of getting acquitted. The second group consisted of the unrepresented accused. Bhagat Singh belonged to this group. Comrades of this group were generally vocal in the court. They cross-examined the prosecution witnesses, challenged the prosecution, challenge the rulings of the court, delivered political speeches, and made every effort to prolong the proceedings.The third group consisted of the undefended accused. They were to challenge the bonafides of the court and the government. It consisted of five comrades. On the very first day they submitted a written statement before the Tribunal, saying that they did not recognise the alien government and the court appointed by it, and that they did not expect any justice from the enemy court. The statement was prepared by Bhagat Singh and was read in the court by Jitendra Nath Sanyal. The other four signatories were Mahabir Singh, Gaya Prashad Kaitiyar, Kundal Lal and Batukeshwar Dutt. Thr Tribunal declared it as seditious, banned it and refused to record it as part of the proceedings. :- Click here for complete text
Our case before the Special Tribunal opened on May 5, 1930. On May 12 the presiding judge lost his temper on the question of a song. He ordered that the accused be handcuffed. The accused resisted. They were removed from the court by force and sent back to the jails. The accused boycotted the court from the next day onward and demanded that the presiding judge must apologise, on he should be removed. On June 21 the presiding judge was removed, but along with him the Government removed Justice Agha Haider also who was the next senior judge and was sympathetic towards the accused. On June 23 the accused went to the court to find Justice Hilton, who was a party to the order, presiding over the Tribunal. The accused objected to it and demanded that either Justice Hilton should dissociate himself from the order or he should apologise, failing which he should also dissociate himself from the order or he should apologise, failing which he should also be removed from the Tribunal. It was in this context that Bhagat Singh wrote this letter.:- Click here for complete text
Hearing of the case was over. Judgement was expected any day. Sukhdev expected life transportation for him. To him the idea of remaining in jail for 20 years was repulsive. He wrote to Bhagat Singh that in case he (Sukhdev) is convicted for life he will commit suicide. He stood for release or death; no middle course. Bhagat Singh's reaction to Sukhdev's letter was very sharp. Serve, suffer and live to struggle for the cause - that was his stand. "Escaping from hardships is cowardice", he said. This letter privides one more window to peep into the martyr's mind.:- Click here for complete text
When the case was in its final stage, Sardar Kishan Singh (Bhagat Singh's father) made a written request to the Tribunal, saying that there were many facts to prove that his son was innocent and that he had nothing to do with Sounder's murder. He also requested that his son be given an opportunity to prove his innocence. When Bhagat Singh came to know of it he was very angry, and wrote this strong letter to his father, protesting against his move.:- Click here for complete text
This letter gives an idea as to what Bhagat Singh expected from those comrades who would escape capital punishment.:- Click here for complete text
Bhagat Singh wrote this letter to Jaidev Gupta, a close friend from his schools days, for some books. It gives an idea of the type of books he used to study in jail. It also shows as to how keen he was about the intellectual development of his comrades.:- Click here for complete text
Lala Ram Saran Das was convicted for life in 1915 in the first Lahore Conspiracy Case. While in Salem Central Prison, Madras presidency, he wrote a book in verse entitled Dream Land. After his release in the mid-twenties he contacted Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev and became active in the HSRA. He was arrested again in connection with the second LCC. This time he wavered and accepted king's pardon. Soon he realised the mistake and retracted his statement. He was charged of perjury and convicted for two years which was subsequently reduced to six months in appeal. It was during this conviction that he passed on his manuscript to Bhagat Singh for an introduction. In this article Bhagat Singh, while appreciating the spirit behind Ram Saran Das's work, has criticised his utopian approach to the problems of revolution. He has also expressed himself on such subjects as God, religion, violence and non-violence, spiritualism, literature, poetry, etc.:- Click here for complete text
On December 23, 1930, when the Government of Punjab was coming out of the University Hall, Lahore, after delivering his convocation address, Hari Kishan fired at him. One man died and the Governor was slightly injured. During the trial Hari Kishan's defence counsel took the line that Hari Kishan had no intention to kill the Governor and that he only wanted to give a warning. Bhagat Singh was opposed to this line of defence. He wrote to one of his friends outside about how revolutionary cases should be conducted. This letter was published in the people in June 1931.:- Click here for complete text
Written on February 2, 1931, this document is a sort of behest to young political workers of India. At that time the talk of some sort of compromise between the Congress and the British Government was in the air. Through this document Bhagat Singh explained as to when a compromise is permissible and when it is not. He also made out that the way Congress is conducting the movement it was bound to end in some sort of compromise. After analysing to the conditions then prevailing, he finally advised the youth to adopt Marxism as the ideology, work among the people, organize workers and peasants and form the Communist Party. After Bhagat Singh's execution this document was published in a mutilated form. All references to Soviet Union, Marx, Lenin and the Communist Party were carefully deleted. Subsequently, the GOI published it in one of its secret reports in 1936. A photostat copy of the full report is preserved in the library of the Martyrs' Memorial and Freedom Struggle Research Centre at Lucknow.:- Click here for complete text
Baba Randhir Singh, a freedom fighter, was in Lahore Central Jail in 1930-31. He was a God-fearing religious man. It pained him to learn that Bhagat Singh was a non-believer. He somehow managed to see Bhagat Singh in the condemned cell and tried to convince him about the existence of God, but failed. Baba lost his temper and said tauntingly: "You are giddy with fame and have developed and ago which is standing like a black curtain between you and the God." It was in reply to that remark that Bhagat Singh wrote this article.:-Click here for complete text
- This manifesto of the Hindustan Republican Association was written by Shachindra Nath Sanyal somewhen in December 1924. It was distributed in almost all the major cities of north India in the night between December 31, 1924 and January 1, 1925.:-Click here for complete text
Prepared by S.N. Sanyal towards the end of 1924. It was printed on yellow paper and for that reason it is generally referred to as Yellow Paper.:-Click here for complete text
It was published in Young India (Ahmedabad), dated February 12, 1925, and reproduced by M.N. Gupta in his book. They Lived Dangerously, PPH, New Delhi, 1969.:-Click here for complete text
Gandhiji was negotiating with the government for the release of political prisoners not convicted of violence. He was also appealing to the revolutionaries to stop their movement. It was in this context that Sukhdev wrote this letter. It was published in Young India, April 23, 1931, after the execution of Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru and Sukhdev.:-Click here for complete text
Warrent of Execution on sentence of Death.:-Click here for complete text
- Certificate of execution of the death sentence.:-Click here for complete text
Manifesto of Naujwan Bharat Sabha, Punjab. Written by Bhagat Singh & Bhagawati Charan Vohra, dated 6-4-1928. The Sabha was an open organisation of the party.:-Click here for complete text
Manifesto of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association. Prepared by B.C. Vohra, it was widely distributed at the time of the Lahore Session of the Congress in 1929:-Click here for complete text
In December 1929, a bomb exploded under the Viceroy Irwin’s special train, from which he, however, escaped. Gandhiji thanked God for the Viceroy’s narrow escape and condemned in his article “The Cult of the Bomb” the revolutionaries for the act. It was in reply to Gandhiji’s article that this outstanding document was written by Bhagawati Charan in consultation with Chandra Shekhar Azad. It was drafted in the room located above the Soloman Company, Aminabad, Lucknow, which was used as a den exclusively by Azad, Bhagawati Charan and Yashpal.:-Click here for complete text
The Lahore Conspiracy Case Ordinance, Lahore High Court Bar Association Report, June 19, 1930:-Click here for complete text
Kishen Singh's Petition to the Tribunal:-Click here for complete text
- Important decisions of the Government of India regarding the Jail Rules are announced in a Press Communique:-Click here for complete text
An Ordinance to make provision for the trial of the persons accused in the Lahore conspiracy case.:-Click here for complete text
Bhagat Singh's last petition:-" We are prisoners of war shoot us instead of hanging..... The war will not stop with our killing: Click here for complete text
More original documents will be placed shortly.