Original Photographs of Bhagat Singh
Family’s Photographs
Photo gallary of Bhagat Singh and Compatriots and their families
Few quotes from jail note book of Shaheed Bhagat Singh
Letters, Writting & Statements
S. Ajit Singh’s Autobiography
Bhagat Singh - an Intimate view by Com. Ajay Ghosh
Notes taken in Jail by Bhagat Singh
Jail Note Book of Martyr Bhgat Singh
First Biography Published in May 1931
Bhagat Singh Transcendence to Revolutionism
Bhagat Singh a Revisit to help understand
Important Document written by Revolutionary Bhagat Singh

Books  Studied by Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Compatriots


                To understand the era of Bhagat Singh, it is important to get into the depth of their mind. They were merely of 21 year to 24 years of age. To understand the strength of this band of young which shook the " invincible" empire as well as stimulated the broader national movement for  freedom and beyond.

                Bhagat Singh and BK Dutt in the Assembly Case emphasized That ,  "   We are next to none in our love for humanity and so far from having malice against any individual , we hold human life sacred beyond words. We are not perpetrators of dastardly outrage and therefore a disgrace to the country (….)  nor are we ‘ lunatics’ (…..) .  We humbly claim to be serious students of the history and conditions our country and human aspirations and we despise hypocrisy. "

                Jatinder Nath Sanyal  a compatriot who was co accused in Lahore Conspiracy also , wrote in the biography of Shahid Bhagat Singh in May 1931 that , "  Bhagat Singh was extremely well read    and the special sphere of study was socialism." 

                Bhagat Singh in his autobiographical note , "Why I am An Athiest?"  writes  that,  " Upto ( 1925) that time I was only a romantic idealist revolutionary. Up till then we were to follow. Now came the time to shoulder the whole responsibility. … .. For some time I was afraid that some day I also might not be  convinced of the futility of our own programme.  That was a turning point in my revolutionary career. "study"  was the cry that reverberated in the corridors of my mind. Study to enable yourself to face the argument advanced by opposition . Study to arm yourself with arguments in favour of your cult.  I begane to Study. My previous faith and convictions underwent a remarkable modification. The romance of the violent methods alone which was so prominent among our predecessors , was replaced by serious ideas. No more mysticism , no more blind faith. Realism became our cult. "   He further writes that, "The most important thing was the clear conception of the ideal for which we were to fight. As there was no important activities in the field of action I got ample opportunity to study various ideals of world revolution . "

                Mr Asaf Ali who had the closest interaction with Bhagat Singh being lawyer in Assembly Case observed, that, "  I found Bhagat Singh most loveable  person. Certainly one of the bravest Young men  I had come across. He was very handsome and was perhaps one of the gentliest and most affectionate in temperament, the very  anti-thesis of a hard and blood-thirsty revolutionary. He showed brilliant intelligence almost beyond his years . " 

                Here is the proof of his in-depth reading into the  nature  of human being and society. This along with a dedicated batch of self sacrificing compatriots is which made him so powerful  a historical  personality.  There may be few books which could not be located hence not included here.

                Here one may find the depth and breadth of  the reading carried out in a period of 3 to 4 years .

Note Prepared by : Prof. Jagmohan Singh

Secretary  Shahid Bhagat Singh Research Committee, & Chairman Shaheed Bhagat Singh Centenary Foundation

                                                                                                                                                                                    Khatkarh Kalan Distt.  Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar


Foreign Literature

Total books  under this section are .   143

1. Irish    9     2. British  43     3. European    24    4.  American   31    5. Russian  36

1. Irish  Literature

  1. Dan Breen "My Fight for Irish Freedom"
  2. Mac Sweeney "Principle of Freedom"
  3. Bolton C Waller "Ireland and League of Nations" 1925
  4. DARRELL FIGGIS "Economic case for Irish Independence" 1920
  5. Robert Mitchell Henry "Evolution of Sinn Fein" 1921
  6. P. S. O'Hegarty "The Victory of Sinn Fein: How It Won It and How It Used It"
  7. George A Lyons, Some Recollections of Griffith and his Times (Dublin: Talbot Press, 1923)"
  8. (Cecil John Charles), 1884-1964 " Administration of Ireland 1920 by "I.U." ([1921])
  9. "Eamon DeValera"

2. Britisher  Literature

  1. Charles Dickens Pickwick
  2. Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities
  3. Hall Caine [ Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine (14 May 1853 ? 31 August 1931), usually known as Hall Caine, was a British author. He is best known as a novelist and playwright of the late Victorian and the Edwardian eras. In his time he was exceedingly popular and at the peak of his success his novels outsold those of his contemporaries. Many of his novels were also made into films. His novels were primarily romantic in nature, involving the love triangle, but they did also address some of the more serious political and social issues of the day.] Eternal City
  4. Hall Caine The Master of Man
  5. Hall Caine The Republic of Man
  6. George Bernard Shaw Major Barbara [ In this sparkling comedy, originally staged in 1905, Andrew Undershaft, a millionaire armaments dealer, loves money and despises poverty. His energetic daughter Barbara, however, is a devout major in the Salvation Army. She sees her father as just another soul to be saved. But when the Salvation Army needs funds to keep going, it is Undershaft who saves the day.]
  7. G B Shaw John Bull?s Other Island [ A Comedy about Ireland, first performed in 1904.]
  8. G B Shaw Man & Superman [ On the surface this is a 'comedy of manners', but with more profound meaning underneath, the title taken from Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy on the bermensch or "Superman."]
  9. G B Shaw Preface to English Prisons under Local Goverments
  10. Sidney and Beatrice Webb English Prisons under Local Goverments
  11. Sidney and Beatrice Webb The Decay of Capitalist Civilization
  12. James W Coard Face to Face with Kaiserism
  13. C F Andrews The Oppression of the Poor
  14. Charles Lamb, William Shakespeare, Mary Lamb Tales From Shakespeare Macmillan and Co. Limited, 1923
  15. Larkin Dunton the World and Its People Published by Silver, Burdett, 1903
  16. Oliver Goldsmith, Austin Dobson The Poems and Plays of Goldsmith ? Published by E.P. Dutton, 1910 317 pages
  17. Thomas Carlyl Heroes and Hero Worship
  18. Edward John Thompson Other Side of Medal
  19. Labour Research Dept Labour & Capital in Parliament Published by The Labour Publishing Co, 1923 63 pages
  20. Modern Breach Leaders
  21. The official Report of the British Trade Union Delegation to Russia in Nov and Dec 1924
  22. Charles Braudlaugh A Plea for Atheism? 1921
  23. Oliver Goldsmith Vicar of Wakefield
  25. Bernard Russell Proposed Road to Freedom? 1918
  26. Bertrand Russell, The case for socialism
  27. Nassau Senior Poor Law Inquiry Commission of 1832
  28. Nassau Senior Handloom Weavers Commission of 1837
  29. John Locke Two Treatises of Government (1680-1690)
  30. J J Buralamaqui The Principles of Natural and political laws
  31. Danis Diderot Encyclopaedia
  32. Rene Fulop Miller The Mind and Face of Bolshevism 1926
  33. DARLING, Malcolm Lyall The Punjab Peasant in Prosperity and Debt
  34. Oscar Wilde Vera The Nihilist
  35. Arthur Ritchie Lord The Principles of Politics: An Introduction to the Study of the Evolution of Political Ideas 1921
  36. R W Postgate Revolutionary Biographies
  37. J. A. Hobson Imperialism a study 1902 (In his Preface to the 1902 first edition of Imperialism: A Study, imperial critic J.A. Hobson demonstrates his prophetic talents by noting, just as the Victorian age was ending and World War I was brewing, that "Imperialism has been adopted as a more or less conscious policy by several European States and threatens to break down the political isolation of the United States." Though the book speaks mostly of British imperialism of the period, Hobson inevitably explores the general principals-and hidden motives-of imperialist policy. Hobson covers: . the commercial value of imperialism . imperialism as an outlet for population . economic parasites of imperialism . imperialist finance . moral and sentimental factors . and much more. With imperialism again a hot topic in the political arena, Hobson's treatise continues to lend invaluable, necessary insight into a complex ideology. British writer JOHN ATKINSON HOBSON (1858-1940) was an historian and economist as well as a popular lecturer on the topics. His other books include The Evolution of Modern Capitalism (1894), The Economics of Distribution (1900), The Economics of Unemployment (1922), and the autobiographical Confessions of an Economic Heretic (1938)
  38. Paul Richard The dawn over Asia ? (Originally published by Ganesh & Co., Madras 1920) Translated by Aurbindo Ghose
  39. G. D. H. Cole The payment of wages Labour Research Dept G. Allen and Unwin (1918)
  40. Alfred Tennyson Enoch Arden
  42. Herbert Spencer The Man verses the State 1884
  43. T Bell And now for Power opening speech at the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain, Battersea, 16.10.26 London : Communist Party of Great Britain, [1926]

3. European  Literature

  1. Carlyle French Revolution
  2. Derivins
  3. Karl Marx Capital ( Popular Edition)
  4. Karl Marx Communist manifesto
  5. Karl Marx Before the Court of Jury of Cologene
  6. Karl Marx Civil war in France
  7. Garibaldi
  8. History of the Decline of the Government of France
  9. Joseph Mazini Duties of the man and other Essays by ( also found in papers of Shahid Rajguru on arrest)
  10. Joan of Arc
  11. Fredric Engels Socialism , Utopian and Scientific
  12. Fredric Engels The Origin of the Family ,Private Property and the State
  13. Fredric Engels Letter to Babels March 28th 1875
  14. Tommasso Campanella Ideal Commonwealths
  15. Rousseau Emile
  16. Rousseau Social contract or Principles of Political Rights
  17. KARLGREN, ANTON Bolshevist Russia 1927
  18. Karl Liebknecht Militarism
  19. Victor Hugo Ninety Three
  20. Victor Hugo La Miserable
  21. Hegel Philosophy of Rights
  22. Life of Napolean Bonaparte
  23. LIFE and works of Garibaldi
  24. Rosa Luxemburg " Reform or Revolution" published 1908

4. American  Literature

  1. Judge Benjimin Barr ,Lindsey " Revolt of Modern Youth"
  2. "Miss Agnes Smidly "India and The Next War "
  3. William E. Trautmann " One Big Union" Charles H. Kerr & Co. in 1912
  4. Michael Arlen " Piracy "
  5. " Empire and Socialism"
  6. Fred Henderson " The Case for Socialism" 1924
  7. " students of America"
  8. Upton Sinclair "Oil"
  9. Upton Sinclair " Jungle"
  10. Upton Sinclair " Boston"
  11. Upton Sinclair " Cry for Justice "
  12. Upton Sinclair " Profit Of Religion"
  13. Upton Sinclair "Brass Check"
  14. Upton Sinclair " Spy"
  15. Upton Sinclair " King Coal"
  16. Jack London "Iron heel "
  17. Emma Goldman " Anarchism and other Essays"
  18. W.H. Thayer "Log Cabin to White House"
  19. Thomas Paine " Rights of Man "
  20. Morris Hillquit "The History of Socialism in the United States, "
  21. Morris Hillquit " From Marx to Lenin " ( 1923 )
  22. Scott Nearing " Poverty and Riches: A Study of the Industrial Regime " 1916
  23. George D. Herron " From Revolution To Revolution "
  24. Vladimir G Simkhovitch "Marxism Verses Socialism"
  25. John Reed " Ten Days That Shook The World"
  26. Charles T. Sprading " Liberty and the Great Libertarians " 1913
  27. Henderson, Fred " The Case for Socialism"
  28. Helen Keller " What is I W W ?" January 1918
  29. John Dewey "Impressions of Soviet Russia and the revolutionary world "
  30. Birmingham, George A "The Seething Pot" GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY NY 1913 ( about Ireland struugle)
  31. Thomas Fogarty, Mary Roberts Rinehart " The Breaking Point" George H. Doran Company NY 1922

5. Russian  Literature

  1. Leo Tolstoy "Essays and Letters"
  2. Leo Tolstoy "Resurrection "
  3. Leo Tolstoy "My Life "
  4. Leo Tolstoy "The Works of Leo Tolstoy "
  5. Leo Tolstoy "slavery of our times"
  6. Leo Tolstoy " What to do?"
  7. Leonard Andrieve " Seven That Were Hanged "
  8. Gorky " Mother "
  9. Karl Kautsky " Social Revolution "
  10. Prince Krompton " An Appeal to The Young"
  11. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment "
  12. Dostoevsky "The House of Dead "
  13. Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin " Historical Materialism : A System of Sociology " 1921
  14. Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin " State and the God "
  15. V . I Lenin " Opportunism, and the Collapse of the Second International "
  16. V . I Lenin " Proleterian revolution "
  17. V . I Lenin " The Soviets at work, 1919
  18. V . I Lenin " Left wing Communism "
  19. Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce " The Devil’s Dictionary "
  20. Trotsky , Leon " Where Britain is going ?"
  21. Trotsky ,Leon " Lessons of October 1917 "
  22. Trotsky, Leon " Literature and Revolution (1924) "
  23. Prince Peter Alekseyevich Kropotkin " Mutual Aid :: a factor of evolution"
  24. Prince Peter Alekseyevich Kropotkin " FIELDS, FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS " 1899
  25. Prince Peter Alekseyevich Kropotkin " Memoirs of a Revolutionary "
  26. STEPNIAK "Career of a Nihlist"
  27. STEPNIAK " Underground Russia "
  28. STEPNIAK " Birth of Russian Democracy "
  29. Anton Petnekove " Socialism and Religion "
  30. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev " Fathers and Sons "
  31. Ropshin (Boris V. Savinkov ) " What never happened -a novel of the revolution"
  32. K T Shah " The Russian Experiment, 1917-27 " 1927
  33. Lancelot Lawton " The Russian Revolution (1917-1926) " 1927
  34. Stalin, Joseph "The Theory and Practice of Leninism " Chicago, Il; Daily Worker Publishing Co. Year: 1925
  35. Zinoviev, G. "Nicolai Lenin: His Life and Work (1918) Cleveland; Toilers Publishing Association
  36. G. Zinoviev "Twelve days in Germany" 1921 Union publication Glasgow Account of Halle Congress as representative of third International .

6. Indian  Literature

Total        159

 (a)  English   54   (b)   Hindi 63  (c) Punjabi 7 (d) Urdu  28 (e) Bengali 17

6.1   The Newspapers and periodicals Bhagat Singh worked with and was published in

  1. Akali 1924-26 Amritsar (Punjabi –Gumukhi)
  2. Kirti 1926-28 Amritsar (Punjabi –Gumukhi)
  3. Partap 1924-27 Kanpur ( Hindi )
  4. Arjun 1924 Delhi (Hindi)
  5. Maharathi 1928 Delhi (published) ( Hindi)
  6. Chand 1928-29 Allahabad ( Hindi)
  7. Bade Matram 1925-28 Lahore ( Urdu)
  8. Kirti 1926-28 Amritsar ( Urdu)
  9. Matwala 1924-25 Calcutta ( Hindi)

6.2   English

                 Bhagat Singh took special interest into debate between Mahatma Gandhi jee and Sachinder Nath Sanyal  which was reported in " Young India " in 1924-1925. He devised  a political programme to practically address the national problems as defined By Mahatma Gandhi jee  in the end of debate.

                                Magzines Regularily Read

  1. " Modern review " magazine
  2. " The People" Magzine
  3. " Young India "

Books on list

  1. Lala Hardyal " Wealth of Nations"
  2. " Great Thoughts of Lala Lajpat Rai " Published by Nau Jawan Bharat Sabha and Student Union Lahore Nov 30,1928
  3. JOHN WOODROFFE " Is India Civilised?" GANESH & CO. 1922 "
  4. Mahatma Gandhi " Home Rule – Hind Swaraj "
  5. Rowalt " Report of the Sedition Committee"
  6. "Communism means Vishav Kutumbwad ( recovered from Raj Guru)"
  7. " Against Odds" ( do)
  8. " Lahore Conspiracy case ‘ ( 1914-15) vol 1 and two(proceedings)
  9. Delhi Consipiracy case ( Proceedings )
  10. Babar Akali Case ( Proceedings)
  11. Lala Hardyal " Independent Thoughts of Lala Hardyal"
  12. Prem Mohan Lal Varma "The labour problem and its complete solution " by a complete cooperation and co-ordination between capital and labour Gokul Pub. House (1922) ,: --also explaining a profit-sharing ... in machinery out-put (mathematically solved)
  13. Bipan Chander Pal " New Spirit in 1907 "
  14. Nirlamba Swami " Common Sense"
  15. Valentine Chirol " India Unrest "
  16. Lala Lajpat Rai " England’s Debt to India"
  17. C B Bracken – Brey B N " Field Walls"
  18. DANGE, S.A. " Gandhi vs Lenin" 1921 / Bombay.
  19. M N Roy "What do we Want " 1922 Geneva
  20. Michael Francis O'Dwyer " India as I Know It "
  21. " All India Political Sufferers Conference" , Gohati Session 1926
  22. T L Vaswani " Awake , Arise"
  23. Arbindhu Ghosh " Collection from Bande Matram "
  24. " Presidential Address 8th Session All India Trade Union Congress"
  25. Lala Ram Saran Dass " Dream Land "
  26. " Bengal Revolutionaries"
  27. "Relationship of Europe with Asia"
  28. " From Dawn to Dusk"
  29. " Awakening of Indian Youth"
  30. "Unemployment’
  31. " The Way of War"
  32. " Indian National Congress"
  33. "The Women of Knocksaleo"
  34. " The Causes of Our Centuries old Slavery"
  35. "Trade Union Movement"
  36. "The Motherland and other poems"
  37. Nelson’s Indian Readers Priemer
  38. " Hero’s Of Air"
  39. " How to End War"
  40. " Politics of Oil! "
  41. " Do The Right Thing"
  42. " I Appeal unto Kaiser"
  43. " Decline of Chinese Government"
  44. "Constitution of The Federated Republic of India " 1926
  45. " Indian League for Independence "
  46. " Presidential Address at Second Conference of Punjab Naujawan Bharat Sabha"
  47. " Address of the President of the Reception Committee at the Second Conference of Punjab Naujawan Bharat Sabha"
  48. " Presidential address delivered by Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Alam B A "
  49. " An Appeal to the Young "
  50. " And now for Power "
  51. " The Slavery of China"
  52. " Red Shirts"
  53. " Heros of The Navy"
  54. " India as a Home of Learning"

            6.3 Hindi

  1. Sachinder Nath Sanyal " Bandi Jiwan "
  2. Bankim Chander Chatterjee " Anand Math"
  3. Radha Mohan Gokal " Garibaldi ka Jiwan"
  4. M K Gandhi " Hind Swaraj" 1909
  5. "Guru Gobind Singh"
  6. Munshi Prem Chand " Nirmala "
  7. Guran Ditta Khanna " Kaumi Geet "
  8. Sri Hayaran " Raja Mohinder Partap"
  9. Sat Deo " Meri German Yatra"
  10. Bishamber Nath Jijja. "Desh Bhakat Meckswani "
  11. Thakur Chedi Lala M A " Asia Niwasion Ke Parati European Ka Bartao"
  12. Lala lajpat Rai " Mother India Ka Jawab"
  13. Ram Prasad Bismal " Atamkatha "
  14. Ram Prasad Bismal " Katherine"
  15. Ram Prasad Bismal " Kisanon Ke Halat"
  16. Radha Mohan Gokal jee " Essays "
  17. Ganesh Shanker Vidyarthi " Editorials and Essays"
  18. Lokmanya Tilak " Gita Rahyasia "
  19. Munshi Prem Chand " Sauje Watan"
  20. Vir Savarkar " Sipahi Vidroh –Pehla Azadi Sangram"
  21. Tolstoy " Kaya Karen "
  22. " Mehmadra Rakhshash"
  23. " Bharat Varash – Ka – Ittihas "
  24. " Bharat Ittihas Ka Lok Adhar "
  25. " Bahadar Shah ka Mukadma "
  26. " Marhatton Ka Raj"
  27. " Rashtri Sandesh"
  28. " Swadhinta Ke Pujari"
  29. "Ektara"
  30. " Rajsi Kranti of Russia"
  31. " Kranti Kari Rajkumar"
  32. " Mazzini ka Jiwan"
  33. " Mother Smriti"
  34. "Gandhi Ki Najir Puttar"
  35. " Sakoi Suraj"
  36. " Rus ka Kharyanantar"
  37. " Prithvi Udhar"
  38. " Zakhmi Punjab"
  39. "Sultana Daku"
  40. "Hairat Angez Jasus"
  41. " Bharat Ki Sampa rdaik Awatha"
  42. " Bhan Golak Adhar"
  43. " Bharti Shashan Padhati "
  44. " Hamare Zamanne Ki Gulami"
  45. " Prem "
  46. " Communism Kya Hai"
  47. " America Ne Kaise Swadhinta Prapat kee"
  48. " Hindustan Swarajya Committee Kabul Ki Constitution."
  49. " France ke Raj Kranti"
  50. "Raja Karanache Swarup. "
  51. " Aitihasik Powade"
  52. " Mystery of Alipur Bomb Case"
  53. " Jhansi Ki rani " ( Proscribed book at that time)
  54. " Young India " Mahatma Gandhi
  55. " Desh Bhagat Mazzine ke Lekh"
  56. " Milen"
  57. " Asia mein Parbhat"
  58. " Adarsh Jiwan"
  59. " Mahtma Gandhi "
  60. " Mystery about Alipur Bomb Case "
  61. " Devi jiwan"
  62. " Atam Vishvas"
  63. " Heart Angez Jesus"

6.4  Gurmukhi  ( Punjabi)

  1. " Kirti " Magzines
  2. " Akali" 1924 Magzine
  3. " Raja Te Parja "
  4. " Akali Darshan"
  5. " Dard Sehni "
  6. " Kama gata Maru "
  7. " Sukhmani"

6.5  Urdu

  1. " Kangal Hindustan"
  2. Ashiq – I – Azadi "Manzal –i- Azadi"
  3. Principal Chhabil dass " Bharat Mata Ke Darshan"
  4. Principal Chhabil dass " Nauzawanon Se Do Do baten "
  5. Principal Chhabil dass " Chingarian "
  6. Ajit Singh and Sufi Amba Parshad " Mohibanne Watan "
  7. " Namak Kee kan aur Deota Inder"
  8. " Maqsad – I – Mazhab "
  9. " Dam –I – Sayyadan"
  10. " Ibart – I – Iranian "
  11. " Misar Main Angrezi Hakumat"
  12. " Angrezi raj ke Ulfat ke Geet"
  13. " Italy ke Vidhayak Mahatma"
  14. " Galib Ka Rojnamcha"
  15. " Kirti " Urdu Magzine
  16. " Digar Mamalik Main Qata Taaluq"
  17. " Bande Matram " Urdu magazine
  18. " Lala lajpat rai Ke darshan"
  19. " Lenin"
  20. " Murakh Raj"
  21. " Agli Dunia Ke Halat"
  22. " Satya Dharam Ki Pechan"
  23. "Satyagriah Updesh with Gandhi Sandesh"
  24. " Swadeshi Tehrik Aur Us Ka Asar"
  25. " Fighan Yani Bharat Jani Ke Akhri Lamhe"
  26. " Bahadaur Shah Ka Mukadma"
  27. " Misar Main Angrezi Hakumat "
  28. " Digar Mamalik Main Qata Taaluq "

6.6   Bengali

  1. Probash Kumar Mukerjee " Bhartiya Jatiya Andolaner Ityhas"
  2. Upinder nath Banerjee " Nirbhashiter Atma Kahani"
  3. Kazi Nazural Islam " poems"
  4. Bhupinder Nath Dutt " Bangaler Viplabi Ethas" ( unpublished)
  5. Sachinder nath Sanyal "Bandi Jiwan " two parts
  6. " Ten years in the Andemans" Convict of Barisal Case
  7. " Mukti Kaun Pathe" Jugantar ashram Calcutta
  8. Ravindar Kavita Kanan
  9. " Desher Katha"
  10. "Tarun Bengali"
  11. " Kanai Lal"
  12. " Khudi Ram"
  13. " Sikha o dikha"
  14. " Bipler Bali"
  15. " Bangla Main Biplabi"
  16. " Life of Mac Sweenay"
  17. " Tanu Par Mashka"
  18. " Biplab o Chhabe Samay"

6.7   Marathi

  1. "Monavi Kartawya "
  2. "Aitihasik Powade"
  3. "Maji Janam Thip Maruza sarokar’


6.8    Languages which  Bhagat Singh could use Efficiently

  1. English
  2. Hindi
  3. Urdu
  4. Punjabi ( Gurmukhi)
  5. Bengali   he could  read and converse

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